Supershoes empowers children & young people fighting cancer in the UK, enhancing physical & emotional wellbeing whilst raising awareness.

Find Out More

Do you live in Milton Keynes? Fancy helping us out at our busy, friendly  office?

Do you live in Milton Keynes? Fancy helping us out at our busy, friendly office?

Taking it to the limit

It sounded like a fun couple of days out in the planning! 48 hours later and soaking wet, these heroes were spent...…

Supershoes Montage

Over 6,000 children
Empowered with Supershoes so far!

Super Leo's Story

Super Leo’s Story

July 2024

Leo was diagnosed with ALL, but that didn't stop him dancing all night in his Supershoes!

Super Archie's Story

Super Archie’s Story

July 2024

Admitted to hospital with a wheeze, Archie's subsequent diagnosis of ALL means he faces over 2 years of treatment...

Super Oliver's Story

Super Oliver’s Story

July 2024

Super Oliver had to spend 3 months away from home for his treatment...

Super Jamie's Story

Super Jamie’s Story

July 2024

Imagine a cancer diagnosis on Christmas Day...

Super Oscar's Story

Super Oscar’s Story

May 2024

A weakness in Oscar's right arm and hand was the start of the journey no family wants to take...

Supershoes Montage

What Is Supershoes?

Supershoes is a registered charity that provides unique customised gifts for incredibly brave children and young people, who are receiving treatment or palliative care for Cancer in the UK.

The gifts provided are hand painted customised canvas shoes - Hence the name Supershoes!

Supershoes are created to brighten a child who faces massive challenges every day.
The gifts also promote mobility, by encouraging children who may otherwise feel too poorly to get out of bed and enhance emotional and physical wellbeing by providing a positive step on a difficult journey.

Find out more

Get involved today

We are always looking for Super Sponsors and Super Artists, and the work we do, wouldn’t be possible without them. Even if you are not an artist there are many other ways you can get involved with Supershoes, so find out how you can help today…


Get Involved

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