
What is it?

Sarcomas are rare and affect the supporting tissues of the body such as bone and soft tissue (i.e. muscle or cartilage)

While osteosarcoma can start in any bone, it most often arises in the long bones of the arms or legs, at the end of bones where growth is occurring and new bone cells produced.

Exact causes of primary bone cancer are not entirely clear but it is thought to relate to the rapid growth of bones, hence more commonly diagnosed in teenagers.

Children who have undergone previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy are at an increased risk of developing osteosarcoma, as are children with the hereditary form of eye cancer, called retinoblastoma.

Who does it affect?

Osteosarcoma is the most common type of childhood bone tumour, accounting for just over half of all bone cancers. Around 30 children, plus an additional 45 teenagers and young people are diagnosed every year in the UK.

Incidence increases with age and usually develops at around 10-16 years.

Find out more

You can read more about the types of Osteosarcoma and it’s treatment.

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