Ok, I’ll admit it. I’ve sneaked into the office a couple of times while we’re supposed to be shut! If no-one knows I’m there, it doesn’t count, does it? And it will save me from a whole heap of “to-do” when I get back in September, so there’s method in the madness.
Sometimes, it’s just good to be by yourself, isn’t it? Answerable to no-one, no interruptions, just your own thoughts and a bit of silence…hmm…

But I will admit, nice though it is to be alone, I also love it when I’m surrounded by Super Volunteers in the office too. There’s a different energy: a buzz, someone else to bounce ideas off, ask questions of, and I’m sure that getting creative is often easier when other like-minded people are around you. The number of ideas that have simply popped into my head on the back of a chance remark in the office…!
What do you do when you need a bit of peace and quiet? I know some of our Super Artists are lucky enough to have a special space where they go to paint shoes and get to be alone with their creativity and colours, which is brilliant. Everyone needs space from time to time, even if it’s a snatched few minutes in an unlikely setting. As long as you make the space count, you can create it pretty much anywhere. Having even a little bit of quiet time in our busy lives is so important, so I hope you’re able to find some for yourself this month, somewhere.
The law of attraction can be a powerful force. Being together with people all working towards the same goal, with similar values and beliefs is very important when you run a charity. I count myself very fortunate that the people I work with on a regular basis feel the same passion and share the same vision for Supershoes. I saw it clearly at RHS Chelsea, where I watched the Super Volunteers explaining our mission to groups of visitors with such enthusiasm; it was just brilliant! I knew then, if I needed reminding, that Supershoes really does attract some amazing people.

Speaking of amazing people, and while I’ve had time to sit at my desk and think, I never cease to be in awe of the families of super brave children and their daily battle with cancer. I wonder where they go and what they do, when they need a bit of quiet time? I wish all of them some calm in their turbulence and sunshine on the dark days. Childhood cancer sucks, and I, and Supershoes, will never stop trying to make a difference in that challenging world.