It’s National Volunteer Week this week so I want to take this opportunity to highlight our amazing super team of volunteers that are Supershoes!

What an incredible 31 months it’s been watching Supershoes grow into the team we are today. 130 volunteer super artists and a team of 9 super admin volunteers. Every single person giving their time, skills and talent to the Supershoes mission of empowering children and young people fighting cancer.
We have super artists from all different backgrounds, fine artists, tattoo artists, body artists and face painters, graphic designers, art teachers and toy designers to name a few. Our super admin team are just as varied in skills and experience ranging from head teacher to lawyer, from book-keeper to life-coach, from marketing manager to full time mum. It’s amazing to think that our mission, empowering children fighting cancer, has brought together such an incredible team of selfless people.
There are lots of reasons why people volunteer, some have personal experience of childhood cancer as a parent, some want to pay-it -forward and make a difference to the lives of others, some want to help others whilst gaining new experience, some volunteers simply want use their skills, gift and talent in the most selfless way, bringing joy to others.
Many volunteers have spoken or written to me to express how volunteering has made such a positive difference enriching their own lives and that of their families too. Giving their time and finding a different kind of reward - A heartfelt knowing that for a moment they made the life of a little person (and their family) a little bit better. It didn’t change their diagnosis or treatment or challenges but it changed how that child or young person felt, lifting their spirits, boosting their wellbeing and reminding them of who they are.
We simply couldn’t achieve our mission without out super-team and as we grow and extend our reach to more children, we are busy looking for new volunteers to join us on this super amazing journey.

For me as a volunteer, I believe I have the best job in the world! I work alongside the most super amazing team and witness such kindness and compassion every single day. I am honoured to witness the love, strength and devotion of super families and who could not be inspired daily by the super kids we reach…?
I am so proud of our super team and this phrase is completely true…..
Volunteers are not paid because they are worthless, but because they are priceless!
Sherry Anderson
Thank you SUPER TEAM!