This is Marianna and Kelly….

We’re sneakily hijacking the blog to tell you a few things Sarah would never tell you herself, because she’s too modest.
Sarah lives Supershoes. She works at it all day, every day, including weekends, evenings, when she’s poorly, when she needs to rest up and take it easy, when she’s on holiday. She’s communicating the whole time, with Super Artists, Super Volunteers, Super Mums and Dads of Super Brave children, to make sure everyone’s ok and everything’s running smoothly. Supershoes would not be as successful as it is without Sarah’s drive, energy, determination, vision and commitment.
Sarah is a great role model. She does it all: ordering and dispatching shoes, presenting to businesses and local groups to spread the word: shaking buckets in the freezing cold; liaising with other charities; organising fundraising events; working, working all the time to make sure the money keeps coming in so the Supershoes can keep going out. She does all of this with a smile, and with a huge heart.

She’s kind, she’s thoughtful, she’s supportive, she’s caring and she’s so grateful for everything her super team does. She tells us all the time. And do you know what? She doesn’t see how great she is! We all do, of course. We tell her too. But she doesn’t always believe it.
So at this time of year, where we’re saying “thank you” for all kinds of reasons. Here at Supershoes (and we speak on behalf of the whole team), we want to say a huge, massive THANK YOU to Sarah, the captain of our ship; the general of our army; the chief fairy of magical wish-making!
We love you, Sarah and wish for you a wonderful Christmas and a New Year full of exciting developments. Now, please, take a few days off: you deserve it!
With love, peace and gratitude TO YOU, lovely lady
Marianna and Kelly xxx