As we started a brand-new month, I’ve been thinking about connections.

I’m always inspired by reading the posts from our Super-Artists, on their own Facebook pages.
They’re all so utterly dedicated: always looking for a way to make their work look better, to find new techniques and ideas to use and to share their discoveries with each other.
What a connected community!
It gets emotional for them too. I often see posts where they’ve been in tears, such is the bond they feel to the children they’re painting for.
They may only have brief details of a child to help them compose their mini-masterpieces, but believe me, they form an amazing tie as the Supershoes progress to their finished state. And the connection between Super-Artist and Supershoes doesn’t stop there.
If you look at the interaction between parents and Super-Artists on our Facebook page, you’ll see that the connection continues long after the paint is dry…..

Connections are important to us in the Super-Admin team too…..
We have such a wide range of talented people in our office and beyond it, all with their own skills, knowledge and network of contacts, which they can draw on to help us.
Contacts can be very useful, and people love to help if they can, in my experience. We’re certainly not shy when it comes to asking!
On the back of that, here’s a question for you:
Who do you know who might be interested in supporting us in some small way…. Or do you have any connections with local, or national businesses that we could contact?
Love and gratitude
Sarah x