Spring is ‘Busting Out all Over’, as the song goes!
Here in the Supershoes office, we’re busting with new ideas too, as the sunshine, lighter evenings and mornings take a hold and make us all feel happier, creative and more optimistic.
Just a few of our “green shoots” ideas include a new partnership with Emirat, which will give us much-needed project funding, and the further development of our CRM system to make linking areas in the admin system more effective and give us more information.
We’ve also got our second appearance at the Kustom Kulture Blast Off (KKBO) in September, where we’re so happy to be the nominated charity for this event.

Another event in September is the London to Brighton charity bike ride, and then watch out for further news on our massive Super Arty Party, which will take place in October. There will be more information about that as the months go on.

Other good news this month comes from NHS England, who have been moved to action by a petition calling for funding for second stem cell transplants (Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation- HSCT) which will now be made available to patients who have relapsed after a first transplant and meet clinical criteria. This is such a lovely example of people-power in action.
Reasons to be Cheerful, as another, appropriate song goes. New ideas taking root and good news blossoming: look at how the year is already emerging, growing and showing its colours!
I mentioned creativity earlier, and our fabulous team of Super Artists always comes to mind whenever I use this word. The beautiful Supershoes that arrive in our office every single week never cease to amaze me. They just get better and better.
And while we’re on the subject of growing new shoots, our office and remote-working team of Super Volunteers is also budding this year, with a variety of very talented folk who give their time and skills for free to help us out with all our admin, covering funding, social media, accounting, despatch, writing, project-development and events organisation. Supershoes sometimes reminds me of an enchanted forest: full of magic and surprises. And speaking of surprises, a huge bag of teddies appeared in the office this week, so look out for some teddy bear magic when the weather is a bit more reliable.
We’re determined to make this year blossom big-time, so please join us and support wherever you can. If you’re interested in any of the events I’ve mentioned, drop me an email: admin@supershoes.org.uk
Enjoy Spring. Spring brings hope, and hope is, above all, what we hold for all our Super Brave children fighting cancer right now.
Until next time, with peace, love and gratitude
Sarah xx