Did we enjoy our summer break….? We certainly did!
Did I have time to think up lots of exciting things to do to make Supershoes even more super….? I’m pleased to announce I did!
But they’ll all had to wait, just for a short time, whilst I got back to business. For me, that first week back, I got straight into best part of my job: phoning parents to tell them that we have some fabulous Supershoes ready to be sent to their child. Every time I do this, I smile, because I can hear the excitement at the other end of the phone, and I know just how much tomorrow’s special delivery will mean to that family, and to the child most of all. How amazing it is to get back into work, and instantly bring joy, fun and hope.
How many other people have a job like that….? I do realise how lucky I am some days!
Getting back into a routine, whether it’s work, school or anything else, is about connecting and reconnecting. When that connecting and reconnecting is with people who are as passionate about Supershoes as you are, it’s a very powerful force indeed. And that’s just what happened over the two days we’ve just spent at the Kustom Kulture Blast-Off show on 2 and 3 September.
It was just awesome to have time with Super Artists Callie, Sianne, Debbie, Karena, Amanda, Jo and also Super Volunteer Claire C and special mentions to Super Husband Ken, Super family Kirsty and kids, Sharon S and kids too.
Some I had met already, so great to reconnect, and some I was meeting for the first time, so wonderful new connections. And the best thing of all about making these connections, is that we’re all working towards the same aim, with the same love and the same commitment.
Here’s a team of people who have come together with a shared purpose. They’re giving their time and skills because they believe, as much as I do, in what we’re doing at Supershoes. They didn’t all know each other before, but they do now, and that makes the tribe even tighter. It’s fantastic to watch these connections grow. I can’t thank these lovely people enough for all their hard work, painting shoes and everything else they did over the two days, along with their kids, who were the best raffle-ticket sellers in Lincolnshire, by a country mile!

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, so it’s doubly important that we bounce into this month with a renewed energy from our break, raring to go to send out yet more fabulous, finished Supershoes. And we’re certainly going to need lots of energy this month because we’re in full party organising mode, surrounded by boxes in the office, crammed with goodies for our Super Arty Party on October 1st.
I can’t wait till next month to share all the fun from that event, so until then, stay connected to us here at Supershoes and let’s make our charity go stratospheric!
With peace, love and gratitude
Sarah x