When you’re a grownup, and you celebrate a birthday, if you’re anything like me, you try hard not to count the years, and maybe even wish you were a bit younger! Time seems to fly faster, the older you get. However, this month it’s Supershoes’ fourth birthday, and I’m so glad we’ve got to 4 years old!
When I look back on those four years, yes, they’ve gone in a flash, but I’m delighted we’re older and a bit wiser too. Looking back, I’ve been reflecting about what 4 years of being Supershoes means to us as a team. And what’s new as we move into our fifth year?

Like any four-year-old, we’re growing fast! With each year we’ve been operating, we’re making many new friends and contacts, welcoming yet more new volunteers and Super Artists, attracting new sponsors of all sizes from all walks of business areas and, of course, sending out more and more pairs of Supershoes. We’re sociable, you see! And we’re growing out of things too. We’ve moved office once, and may even need to move again because we’ve grown so much.
As four-year-olds do, we’re developing our identity, as we become more established as a charity and well-known in a variety of fields, notably the customising world. The Supershoes name, with its powerful message and awareness-raising aim is getting more and more attention. We’re just like a typical four-year-old: we love attention, and we’ll shout long and loud to get it!
All four-year-olds love a party, and we’re no exception. We’ve just held our first Arty Party on the same day as our birthday. We welcomed a huge guest list of 154 people, and we had a ball! This idea has always been a dream of mine, and it was so successful, that we’re definitely going to do it again. What growing youngster doesn’t love a party? In case you missed it, you can read all about it here.
To grow, you have to grow up too, so here comes the serious bit: we’re receiving more referrals than ever, which is heartbreaking, but the one thing that has remained constant in our existence is our promise to empower children with cancer all over the UK. We know from all the conversations we have, and videos and pictures we get sent, what a powerful, magical force a pair of Supershoes represents. We’re not giving up on that promise.
With peace, love and gratitude
Sarah x