I can’t quite get my head around the fact that this will be my last blog of 2017! But it is, and the Supershoes office will be closed for a couple of weeks over Christmas, so that we can spend time with our loved ones, and recharge our batteries.

If Supershoes was a stick of rock, you would see the words Giving and Gratitude running right through! And December is, traditionally, a month when we think a lot about giving. Super brave children so deserve an extra-special gift during their hard-fought battles against cancer, and we’re delighted to be able to provide that for them.
And then the twin of Giving is Gratitude, of course. These two elements are always uppermost in our minds here at the Supershoes HQ. And let’s start with thanking you for reading my blog! I’m more than grateful that you do.
I’ve made a gratitude list (and checked it twice). It’s a list of people who give and give and then give some more. I suspect that once this is published, I’ll still be coming up with yet more names, so look at this as a starter. For all your giving, I’m so grateful!
I’d like to put it on record, that I’m particularly grateful to the whole, beautiful Super Team of Super Volunteers. You all give something so precious: your time. And you give it willingly, and generously.
• To all the Super Artists, for your gift of creativity and talent.
• To all our fundraisers, for your gift of imagination, inspiration and motivation to raise the funds we so desperately need to reach more Super brave children.
• To our referring partners at CLICSargent, who support families and children with cancer.
• To the supportive charities we work with: The Amelia Mae Foundation and The Henry Allen Trust for sponsoring shoes and supporting us and the families of children with cancer.
• To Office, who supply all our trainers, and are so helpful to us, with our hugely variable shopping lists.
• To everyone who volunteers their time and skills within the office, ordering and packing shoes, keeping the website and databases up to date, helping with social media, grant applications, event organising and contacting families.
• To the others who work remotely, helping us with our social media and publicity.
• To our Super Sponsors, who donate regularly, in the background, all the essential services without which the office couldn’t function.
• To our Board of Trustees, who help me shoulder the responsibility of running a charity.
• To every single person we’ve met over the year who’s put their hand in their pocket and donated any amount at all.
• And lastly, to my amazing family: parents, husband, daughters, who give me unconditional love and support always.
I’m Super grateful to each and every one of you for all you do. You all make a massive difference in people’s lives, whatever your contribution. Enjoy the festivities now, and know that giving what you can means you have my immense gratitude, and more importantly, the gratitude of our Super brave children and their families.
Happy Christmas, everyone, and I look forward to being back with you all in 2018 for more awesome stories, news and giving.
With peace, love and gratitude,