Hello! Santa’s elves here, aka Kelly and Marianna.
We’ve been keeping a very close eye on someone extremely special, as elves do, to check that she’s been behaving herself, in advance of Santa’s visit.
You may not know this, but we “elves on shelves” are always watching, all year long, not just in December, when you actually see us perched in various places around your house! And something else you might not know is that we have a checklist. Santa’s very particular about what we need to look out for in terms of good behaviour, and to make sure we’re doing our job properly, he gives us a precise checklist for everyone. It’s much longer than just “naughty” or “nice”!
We thought we’d share one particular checklist with you so you can see how a certain Sarah White is doing in the leadup to Christmas…..
Name: Sarah White
Occupation: Founder of Supershoes
Please check the following criteria, and mark out of 5, where 1 is: “not at all” and 5 is: “over and above”. Has the observed person…
• Given up most of her time this year to put her heart and soul into Supershoes? Mark: 5
• Remained cheerful under numerous highly stressful, circumstances? Mark: 5
• Been there for everyone when they needed her? Mark: 5
• Used awesome skills of persuasion to secure funds, gifts & anything else that would directly benefit Supershoes? Mark: 5
• Put everyone else first? Mark: 5
• Managed a hugely expanded team of volunteers with great sensitivity and good humour? Mark: 5
• Dreamed up innovative ideas to inspire and motivate everyone around her? Mark: 5
• Remained cool and focused to make sure the dreams become reality? Mark: 5
• Never, ever given up? Mark: 5
• Made a massive difference to hundreds of very sick children and their families? Mark: 5
• Looked after herself carefully? Mark 3

Wow! She’s done really well, hasn’t she? But, oh, Sarah! Look at the last mark, and please, look after yourself even better next year! Your elves everywhere love you!
We think that Santa will be very, very pleased with Sarah’s report, and it may take him a little longer than usual to deliver, when he visits her house on Christmas Eve!
Wishing Sarah and of course, her beautiful family, all the love in the world this Christmas.
Big hugs from the Christmas elves.