Hello and a very Happy New Year to everyone.
At Supershoes, we’re happy to move away from the mince pies and chocolate now, and get back to business. And the big news for us is that our 2000th pair of Supershoes is, as we speak, being designed by Super Artist Alison for brave Super Annie. I’m saying no more now. You will find out more very soon. Suffice it to say, we’re all very excited!
There’s also a second pair of special shoes being designed and painted this year too. And because we’ll only ever be able to do this once, we’re also going to make a special celebration for our 2018th pair too! Watch out for this story coming soon.
2018 is going to be a big year for us in other ways too, but I don’t want to overload you all at once, so I won’t. What I’d like to share is my thoughts. I’ve been thinking about quite deeply when I’ve had some quiet time over this Christmas period, about how Supershoes can be even more active in championing children with a diagnosis of cancer.
As adults, we have a voice and the power that children simply don’t. I can only imagine how frightening it is when you’re little or young and very poorly and you don’t fully understand what’s going on. It’s at those times that you desperately need someone you can trust to explain things in a way that you’ll understand. And let’s not forget that many children with cancer aren’t even old enough to have explained to them what’s going on. All these children need a voice, an advocate, someone to fight their corner. At Supershoes we aim to be part of that army, because make no mistake, this is a mighty battle being fought.

As you know, Supershoes is staffed entirely by volunteers. And if you look at our website, you’ll be able to read some truly heartwarming stories about what drew them to volunteering for us and becoming part of our Super Team or a Super Artist. Giving some time each week, or every so often, to be part of a bigger battle means everyone wins. The volunteer wins because they’re doing something valuable and important. The charity wins because we need all the help we can get. And ultimately, those super brave children win, because there’s another army on their side, helping them with the biggest battle of their lives.
Every single person connected with Supershoes is an extra voice to spread the word. About childhood cancer, about helping others, about doing something wonderful.
Fancy joining the cause…? You can let us know here.