Our theme for this month is “Journeys”. It’s appropriate, because as the end of the summer term approaches, many of us with children look forward to a summer break, and perhaps even a trip somewhere. I’ve had some super-exciting journeys in my time, but they can be challenging too, as we know only too well at Supershoes.

An act of travelling from one place to another, says the dictionary. And journeys take many forms, don’t they?
Supershoes’ own journey, starting from my kitchen table, to establishing a registered charity with over 300 Super Artists and 26 Super Volunteers based in a large office in Milton Keynes, has taken almost 6 years so far, and we have touched the lives of well over 3000 children to date. I’ve certainly had my share of ups and downs and it’s been a huge learning curve for me, my family and everyone involved in the charity. And our journey is by no means finished yet! We have far to go before we reach the “other” place defined in the dictionary. And to be honest, I’m not sure it will ever be at an end: nor do I want it to be.
But I can’t begin to compare my journey to that of a family coping with a diagnosis of childhood cancer. That’s a very different journey. Although remission and cure rates for childhood cancer are increasing all the time (83% cancer-free after 5 years diagnosed from 2008-2012)https://publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/2017/02/01/childhood-cancer-statistics-what-can-we-learn-from-new-data/ the road through treatment and away from childhood cancer after treatment, often seems like a permanent journey.

We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how long it will take or how hard it will be. We make the journey by taking each day step by step and then repeating it again and again until we reach our destination. Joseph B Wirthlin
The words “step by step” are so apt for both Supershoes and children fighting cancer. We know, because parents tell us, that a pair of Supershoes can help a child with their mobility during their journey, step by step. And step by step is sometimes all a child, or family can do, during the darkest days. But they’re doing it because they’re brave and determined. And Supershoes is behind them all the way.
I wish you all safe journeys this summer, wherever you’re going. And on your journey, spare a thought for those others, on their journeys, moving step by step to where they want to be next.
With peace, love and gratitude
Sarah x