Wow! How can it be September already? The Supershoes office was closed in August, but now we’ve recharged our batteries and we’re back and raring to go. Look out for plenty of exciting news in the months to come. In the meantime, we have a September message for you…
September is a golden month in many ways. If you’re lucky enough to live in the countryside, you’ll be seeing “fields of gold”, as the song goes, ready for harvest, or just harvested, leaves on the turn from green to gold, and even the sun seems to have a particularly golden glow at this time of the year: more mellow than in the height of summer, I think. Importantly to us here at Supershoes, September is also Childhood Cancer Awareness month, complete with its golden ribbon.
What does an “awareness month” really represent, though? Well, for us, it’s a golden opportunity to highlight the challenges and difficulties faced by Super brave children and their families who are dealing with a diagnosis of childhood cancer. Childhood cancer is not common, but it’s a sad fact that over 10 children in the UK are diagnosed every day with this devastating illness. And while the survival rate is good, the treatment is brutal. This is why all children battling cancer need our help and support.

At Supershoes, we have a completely unique way of making very poorly children feel special, as I’m sure you already know, and now we’d like to invite you, in this special month, to help us #StepUpGoGold and “walk a mile in their shoes”. The great news is that there are so many ways to help! Here they come…
Would you be happy to share this blog, by forwarding the link to some of your friends or colleagues? Would you consider liking our Facebook page, and sharing some of our posts in September too, or following us on Twitter and retweeting for us? Would you like to sign up for our monthly newsletter? We all spend (too much) time on our devices, so how about putting some of that time to good use?
Of course, if you’re inspired, like us, and would like to do more (and we’d love that!) you might want to think about raising some money for Supershoes. How about a bake sale, sponsored activity or other fun event? Perhaps your place of work is looking for a charity to support and you could suggest Supershoes? Or maybe you’d like to give that most precious gift: time? We’re always on the lookout for volunteers to help at our events, or in the office, so please get in touch (and no, you don’t have to be able to paint; we have over 25 volunteers who don’t!).
We need to get the word out there about childhood cancer, and to keep awareness of it at the forefront of people’s minds, so the thousands of Super brave children, courageously fighting their own fight will know that we’re all rooting for them, and doing what we can to join in and support them in their battle. We can all choose to do something. A child with cancer has no choice but to take one step at a time. What step could you take? September is a golden opportunity!