What can I say in Supershoes’ monthly blog, that hasn’t already been said in these strange times we’re living through just now, I wonder? In fact, I’ve been doing a lot of wondering over the past couple of weeks, as I’m sure you have too. This enforced isolation gives us cause to reflect on how life must be for others, doesn’t it?
How must it be to be a teacher, or teaching assistant? Some of us have our children at home now, but I bet there aren’t 30 of them in your house. I certainly have new respect for teachers, support staff and how they manage day after day!
What would we do without the food supply chain: from factory staff, farmers and growers, to lorry drivers, to shop workers? We simply don’t usually think about the thousands of people who work in an industry that literally keeps us going!
What do you now class as an “emergency”? That’s a big one. I’ll leave that one for you to ponder. I think we’ve all re-evaluated what’s urgent and important to us just now.

Whilst we all come to terms with our own particular forms of isolation, I feel that I’ve also had a taste of what it might be like for some of our Super brave children and young people in treatment for cancer. They have already had to isolate and become used to a whole new world and routine, like we’re doing now. They have already been unable to make plans for the immediate future, or have had to cancel plans for things they’ve been looking forward to. And all this, long before the restrictions of Covid-19.
Those of us who are in isolation and are continuing to enjoy good health are very grateful for that blessing, I’m sure. A child or young person in treatment for cancer is already fighting for their life. The current pandemic will simply add to the challenges they already face. We could learn much from our Super brave children and young people. Time and again, we hear from parents and families stories full of cheerfulness, love, hope and optimism. This is where I draw my inspiration from. If these families can be cheerful and bright at such a time in their lives, we can surely do our best to follow their example.

Where do they get their comfort and the motivation to carry on smiling? From each other, from appreciating the small things, from “baby steps” of progress, from belief that things will improve. And we must remember all the people who look after them too. I make no apology at this point for repeating the praise of so many for our outstanding NHS staff and careworkers. At a time when good health can no longer be taken for granted, we have never been so grateful for, or so reliant on, this army of selfless, caring, dedicated people who are working so hard to help keep us all safe, not just at the moment, but always.
At Supershoes, we know all about the power of voluntary help. If you can, please respond to any help for volunteers, if you’re able. Together, we can make the difference. Stay safe and stay home.
With peace, love, hope and gratitude