I’m not usually one for stats and data, but every so often, I surprise myself! I looked at the Facebook birthday fundraisers that our Super Artists had created over the past two years, and was impressed at how much they managed to raise for Supershoes: over £6,000! How amazing is that? And all by asking for donations, instead of cards/presents for their birthdays. They really are well-deserving of the title “Super”!
The individual donations that made up the fundraisers were not necessarily all huge amounts. Some were a few pounds here and there, some were less than that. The point is, that every little bit made a difference, and, added together, quite a big difference.

Making a big difference in small steps is what Supershoes is all about. Since the pandemic, we have found ourselves restricted in how many pairs of shoes we are able to fund each week, but little by little, chipping away at the pile of referrals for children and young people in treatment for cancer, we’re getting there, providing smiles in the form of beautifully painted trainers. It’s a little slower than we’d like, of course, but we simply have to work with the restrictions until things improve. And we will make it work, I assure you.

And that well-worn phrase, “every little helps” has never been so true. There are plenty of little things that you can do to help us raise funds, if you’d like to. Birthday fundraisers are always good, as are sponsored challenges. Something that costs nothing, is to subscribe to Amazon Smile where a small percentage of the price of eligible goods bought will attract donations to your nominated charity. There is also Give as you Live, which works across a range of high street shops, and you can raise contributions each time you shop.
The money donated for each purchase you make is not huge, but as with everything, the more people that get involved, the more is donated. Ever heard that expression, “many a mickle makes a muckle”? Look it up; it’s so true!

Another way of donating a “mickle” to Supershoes, is to join our monthly raffle. For just £2 per ticket (or you may like to buy a ticket for each month for the rest of the year), you can be in with a chance of winning £50! Two pounds each month would really help us reach children and send them amazing shoes. Tickets can be purchased in our shop here.
I think what I’m realising just now is that strength is in numbers. If we can all do a little bit, then together we can make big things happen. For Supershoes, the priority will always be to make lots of shoes happen for children going through treatment for cancer. And cancer is certainly not a little thing. It’s a long, hard journey. Your little bit of help can make the steps on that journey just a little brighter for a child or young person. The little things making the big difference. Why not join us and see how much difference we can make together?
With peace, love and gratitude, together with a little help from you all