Sometimes, things just go better when you have a friend beside you, don’t they? When the brief for these shoes came in, it coincided with a virtual avalanche of referrals. We sometimes have weeks like this! Our hard-working Super Artists were doing the very best they could, but demand was threatening to outstrip our resources.
A bit of inside information: when referrals come through from poorly children and young people, Super Artists choose what they would like to paint from a list. That way, we make sure that everyone’s skills are put to the best possible use. But this week, there were so many Super brave youngsters that needed our help and one particular pair of shoes that seemed to be asking for a variety of subjects. How would we cope?

Step forward our CEO, Sarah, also a Super Artist, (how does she find the time?), and our Super Artist manager, Alison, who has been painting shoes for us pretty much from day 1. Both very talented artists, both with different styles and favourite subjects. Sarah loves painting cars, so the request for a Lamborghini got her attention straight away. Alison is not so keen on painting cars, but is great at painting faces, amongst many other things. The solution? They both painted the shoes! He got his GTA5/car-themed shoes, and Alison and Sarah were able to finish them faster, because they only had one shoe each to paint! Simples!