Super Artist Karena has been painting Supershoes since 2016, and has recently completed her 100th pair. We simply couldn’t let that milestone pass without a bit of a celebration, so here’s an insight into this talented lady!
How would you describe yourself?
I’d say big-hearted, emotional, stubborn, impatient at times, reliable….occasionally hot-headed. I don’t like seeing unfairness but have gotten myself into trouble more than once, for standing up against that kind of thing.

What do you do when you’re not painting Supershoes?
I’ve been an HGV driver since my 30s. I had a 7-month break from the roads a few years back, but I suppose it sort of gets into your very being, so I went back. I’ve been driving HGVs for nearly 17 years now.
How did you hear about Supershoes and what made you want to paint for them?
I heard about Supershoes when I attended the Kustom Kulture Blast Off show in the summer of 2016. They were the chosen charity that year. They had a neat little stand and I just loved the idea of using art skills for bringing joy to others. I studied graphic arts at university but really struggled to enjoy what I’d loved doing all my childhood, and by the time I graduated, I never wanted to paint again. But I realised as I got older, that I missed getting lost in creating. Deciding to paint for Supershoes also meant I would have to paint to a deadline and that was a key motivator for me, otherwise I’d be letting down a child with cancer, and I could never do that.

What’s your favourite subject matter to paint?
I don’t think I have a favourite subject matter, I get so much pleasure from each brief. I love that I don’t have to come up with the initial idea, but I can choose the layout and can often find the exact images online that the child wants. I don’t have children, so it’s been an education beyond my own childhood favourites to research characters from games like Fortnite! Very different from Bagpuss and Mr Ben! My first two pairs were portraits. I’ve never been so nervous. I still get nervous about painting them but if the last pair to be allocated that week is portraits, I’ll take them on as I don’t like the idea of a child waiting too long for their shoes, and doesn’t everyone like a challenge sometimes?
Do you have a favourite pair?
I definitely can’t pick a favourite pair! I was honoured to do pair 3000 all in lovely pinks though. One pair featured my truck at the time: that was awesome. A recent pair was spotted by a friend who followed the young lady in question on TikTok. I watched the video she made of herself opening them…I cried so much but with joy that she loved them so much.

What do you like about working for Supershoes?
Painting for Supershoes has given me the joy and stress-release of escaping the humdrum and sometimes negative parts of life. It’s reawakened a talent I thought I’d never enjoy again and the fact that my joy in creating them breeds more joy for the recipient is phenomenal. The occasional pictures, messages and thanks from the youngster are indescribable when you’ve loved every brush stroke. I’ve also met and made some lovely friends through Supershoes.

Where do you paint?
I paint in a corner of my living room looking out into the garden. It used to be on a fold-away dining table but I recently bought a proper corner workstation. My house is only small so no chance of a craft room! But I get natural light, which I prefer.

What do your friends and family think about the Supershoes you paint?
My family has always been very supportive of my work for Supershoes. My mum loves that I’m using my talent again and for such a great cause. She has been my biggest supporter always, even when I scratched a picture on the back of her car…..well maybe she wasn’t then! When I share my pictures on social media, everyone is so kind and supportive of my work.
Finally, if you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?
Does this sound a bit selfish? I would wish to win a reasonable amount of money so I can pay off my mortgage, go part-time at work and spend more time with my family and friends, and of course, painting for Supershoes. Does that all count as 1 or 3?
I wish the people of the world would be kinder and nicer to each other. Love really does spread love!
Wow, so, it’s hard to say this one because Supershoes would then not be needed…..I wish cancer and other life-limiting illnesses didn’t exist.
Thank you Karena! You are without doubt a Superstar! Here’s to the next 100 pairs!