A bitter-sweet story behind these lovely sponsors: Colin met Sue when she was a Paediatric Clinical Oncology Nurse Specialist, working on the ward where his son was being treated for ALL. Very sadly, Colin’s son died after a relapse. Sue and Colin stayed in touch, and eventually got married. Sue has been friends with Jeanette, who was also a nurse in the same field, and is now one of our Super Trustees, as well as a sponsor and Super Artist, so she came to know more about Supershoes when Jeanette joined our team. Both couples are firm friends, and everyone has a keen interest in childhood cancer matters. They all decided to move away from giving gifts at Christmas and donating to charity instead, and they all decided that Supershoes was a perfect fit for their idea! What a lovely idea to give something that has so much meaning to you all. Thank you, Colin and Sue for supporting us and bringing more smiles to Super brave kids!