Super Henry’s Journey
“Henry is 3 years old and has Diamond - Blackfan Anaemia. He was diagnosed at 3 months old and has been blood transfusion dependent since birth. He had a bone marrow transplant in May as he developed complications from his treatment and has graft- versus - host disease since his BMT. He is super brave.”
Super Henry’s Diagnosis
Diamond–Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a congenital erythroid aplasia that usually presents in infancy. Find out more about Diamond–Blackfan Anemia (DBA)
The Supershoes
Henry adores the film ‘A Nightmare Before Christmas’ so these characters were at the centre of his Supershoes design alongside lots of other Halloween inspired spookiness.
“Henry received a very special delivery this morning and he could not be more thrilled! The Supershoes are absolutely amazing, better than we ever could have hoped for. He can’t wait to wear them and they have really cheered him up (he’s been in isolation for nine months, the whole bone marrow transplant journey has been rough on him and is far from over). A special thank you to Sally for her brilliant work, they couldn’t be more perfect for him.”