Super Charlie’s Journey
Charlie’s treatment for congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia was delayed until 2020, when they finally needed a bone marrow transplant. Recovery has been slow, due also to emergency surgery for a blocked bowel, but Charlie was very keen to get their Supershoes and sent us such a lovely letter of thanks:
“I’m Charlie and I absolutely ADORE my Supershoes. They are my most prized possession and I love what Karena has done with them. I especially love the Lovejoy logo it’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen I’ll be honest. Also, the dragons are drawn in such detail I’m incredibly impressed,
well done!
Thank you so so so much these shoes will stay with me forever I hope you get lots of lovely donations and can keep doing this for a long time, these really helped me get out the house when I really didn’t want to so thank you(:
Thank you!
Super Charlie’s Diagnosis
Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia (CAMT) is a rare, inherited disorder characterized by a severely low number of megakaryocytes, a type of bone marrow cell that makes platelets that are important for clotting and preventing bleeding. Find out more about Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia
The Supershoes
Charlie is a huge fan of dragons, so chose the Death Song Dragon and Timberjack Dragon to feature on their Supershoes, along with Lovejoy lyrics and the transgender flag. Super Artist Karena really pushed the boat out with these, as you can see!