Super Oliver's Story

Super Oliver's Story July 2024

Super Oliver had to spend 3 months away from home for his treatment...

Super Oliver’s Journey

Super Oliver’s symptoms of pale skin, bruising easily and fatigue led to a diagnosis of very severe Aplastic Anaemia. Oliver had chemotherapy in advance of a bone marrow transplant and his Supershoes have really cheered him up!

Super Oliver’s Diagnosis

Aplastic anaemia is a serious condition in which the bone marrow does not produce enough new blood cells. Some symptoms include tiredness, paleness, frequent infections, and easy bruising and bleeding. Find out more about Aplastic Anaemia

The Supershoes

Gaming character Kirby and Oliver’s pet cat were Oliver’s special wish to include on his Supershoes. Super Artist Stephanie made a wonderful job of them, as you can see, and Oliver was thrilled! “Oh my gosh, thank you SO much for Oliver’s amazing Supershoes! He absolutely loves them and the artwork is truly incredible. Such a true likeness of our cats too - what a super-talented artist Steph is! Look how happy Oliver is with them…”Oliver2

Super Oliver with their Supershoes