Super Kids

Orla's Story

Orla’s Story

January 2015

Super Orla was put on a course of palliative chemotherapy with the hope of slowing the growth of the tumour but amazingly she had this chemo for 2 and a half years and maximised the full dose.

Ava's Story

Ava’s Story

December 2014

Like many little girls her age she loves the Disney film Frozen, especially Queen Elsa and Princess Anna.

Amelia's Story

Amelia’s Story

November 2014

Super Amelia has discovered the joy of Playdoh though during her many hospital stays and it keeps her very busy.

Leah's Story

Leah’s Story

October 2014

Leah was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2012 and since then has been treated with blocks of chemotherapy of varying intensity.

Henry's Story

Henry’s Story

October 2013

The very 1st pair of Supershoes were created for Henry Allen, who sadly gained his angel wings shortly after receiving his Supershoes.....