Super Kids

Super Lois's Story

Super Lois’s Story

November 2022

"I feared the worst and my fears came true" (Lois' mum)

Super Isla's Story

Super Isla’s Story

October 2022

At just 4 years old, Super Isla was diagnosed with a Wilms tumour...

Super Oscar's Story

Super Oscar’s Story

October 2022

Super Oscar has been so brave during his gruelling treatment for ALL...

Super Oliver's Story

Super Oliver’s Story

October 2022

You just know when something is not quite right with your child, but no one was prepared for Super Oliver's diagnosis...

Super Harry's Story

Super Harry’s Story

October 2022

Super Harry was showing some unusual symptoms: sickness, dizziness and then suddenly was unable to walk...

Super Seth's Story

Super Seth’s Story

October 2022

Seth's family were shocked to receive a diagnosis of Pilocytic Astrocytoma (a type of brain tumour) for their little warrior...

Super Ruby's Story

Super Ruby’s Story

October 2022

Ruby's rare condition will require some intensive treatment...

Super Theo's Story

Super Theo’s Story

October 2022

Instead of starting school, Theo was starting chemotherapy...

Super Daisy's Story

Super Daisy’s Story

October 2022

An "ordinary" cyst turned out to be something far more serious for Super Daisy...